Question: I have a huge yard that I would love to NOT mow.
I was thinking of putting in a cottage type garden, but don't know how to start.
I would start by reading Sara Stein's Noah's Garden: Restoring the Ecology
of Our Own Backyards.
Then I would observe carefully, with purpose, what grows naturally around
you, along roads, in pastures, creeks, wasteland areas. There's much beauty
there once your eye adjusts to the subtle colors, textures, shapes, etc.
Cottage gardens are nice. I keep one myself. But even cottage gardens are
contrived -- by custom, tradition, the nursery business that promote their
wares-- and the media.
Finally, gardening is a process. No garden is ever finished. The only time
I've seen a perfect garden is at a flower show or in a magazine/book photo.
Right now my garden at the front door is in bloom with blue asters,
goldenrod, white roses, chicory, hyacinth bean, nasturtium, hot peppers,
Peruvian purple potatoes and a watermelon! We've eaten nearly all the plums
Cottage garden style